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State Trooper, New Hampshire State Police

Age: 29 

Heritage: Brazilian


Notable Accomplishments:

  • New Hampshire Law Enforcement Congressional Award for Hurricane Maria Relief Efforts

  • Governor’s Award for Hurricane Maria Relief Efforts 

  •  Directors Commendation for Hurricane Maria Relief Efforts

Matheus lived in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil before moving to Lowell, MA at the age of nine.  From a very young age Matheus dreamt of being a law enforcement officer. The journey to achieve his dream began by becoming a member of the Air Force JROTC program at Lowell High School.  He continued to pursue his dreams by attending the University of Massachusetts Lowell and graduating with a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Criminal Justice.  


Soon after, Matheus began his career with the New Hampshire State Police as a Trooper.  Currently, less than 2% of current New Hampshire State Troopers are Latinos. During his regular duties, Matheus conducts numerous, different types of investigations, enforces various criminal and motor vehicle laws, and often prosecutes/testifies cases in court. Matheus is also the only Latino on the New Hampshire State Police Drill team. The team presents the American flag for the national anthem at special events and ceremonies.


While conducting his regular duties, Matheus often assists fellow Troopers and other police departments in investigations that involve victims and/or suspects that are Latinos. Matheus has been able to be an advocate for Latinos and bring insight about the Latino culture. He has shared about the difficulty that Latinos face every single day in America to coworkers and other law enforcement personnel that serve Latinos in their communities.  


Outside of the regular duties of a State Trooper, Matheus is also involved in different initiatives and fundraisers.  Matheus is extremely passionate about serving his community, being a positive role model, and helping those less fortunate.  Matheus reaches out to children and students from various ages and ethnicities in an effort to guide them to a better path and encourage them to become a Trooper.  He assists at fundraising events, summer games, and the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the NH Special Olympics. Further, Matheus has run the Boston Marathon the last 4 years while raising over $6,000 for “Cops For Kids with Cancer.” Lastly, he helps run and fundraise for “A True Christmas Project,”  which brings thousands of presents to impoverished kids in Brazil where he grew up.


Most notably, Matheus was one of twenty NH Troopers that volunteered and deployed to Puerto Rico in 2017 to assist with the Hurricane Maria Relief Efforts. Matheus was the only Latino from NH to deploy. While in Puerto Rico, Matheus brought emergency supplies to families, assisted in calls for service and traffic, and served as a liaison between senior officials of Puerto Rico and New Hampshire.  


In the future Matheus hopes to continue helping his community, mentoring younger generations, and being a positive role model.  He hopes to rise in the ranks at the New Hampshire State Police and continue to make a positive difference in people's lives.  

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